This award was created by the 2017-2018 President, Jason Miller. It was created to honor a Bowling Green Kiwanian member that contributed the most to their local club throughout the President’s tenure. The criteria are set by the President during his/her tenure. Most of the presidents that have served since Past President Miller have instituted a “Kiwanian of the Month” award. At the end of the Presidents term, he/she will then pick thefinalist from the list of the Kiwanian’s that were awarded the “Kiwanis of theMonth” award; but then again, the president sets the criteria for this award.
Service Leadership
Kiwanian of the Year
This award was created by the 2017-2018 President, Jason Miller. It was created to honor a Bowling Green Kiwanian member that contributed the most to their local club throughout the President’s tenure. The criteria are set by the President during his/her tenure. Most of the presidents that have served since Past President Miller have instituted a “Kiwanian of the Month” award. At the end of the Presidents term, he/she will then pick the finalist from the list of the Kiwanian’s that were awarded the “Kiwanis of the Month” award; but then again, the president sets the criteria for this award.
Up Coming Events
Pancake Day April 5
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting