Our Club meets weekly from11:30 to 1 pm at BGSU Slater Family Ice Arena Lounge. We have speakers who discuss issues affecting our community. Plan and execute service projects that support our local community as well as provide philanthropic support to our local organizations.
February 6 MY JOURNEY THROUGH MUSIC CLASS Heather Kramer Music Teacher, Kenwood Elementary
February 13 ENGAGING EARLY LEARNERS Annette Teet Kindergarten Teacher, Kenwood Elementary
February 20 NAVIGATING THE TRICKS TO FIND THE TREASURE IN TEACHING Michelle Thomas Fifth-Grade Teacher, Crim Elementary
February 27 HOW TO JUGGLE 12 BALLS WHILE 8 ARE DEFLATING Ted Haselman Superintendent, BGCS
Our Club meets weekly from11:30 to 1 pm at BGSU Slater Family Ice Arena Lounge. We have speakers who discuss issues affecting our community. Plan and execute service projects that support our local community as well as provide philanthropic support to our local organizations.
Up Coming Events
Pancake Day April 5
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting