Most of the projects and programs of Kiwanis clubs are carried out by committees. Currently we have many committees which range from weekly meeting logistics to community service to fundraising. Each member is expected to serve on at least one major committee each year and can serve on more if they choose.
At the beginning of his/her term, each president distributes information about committees along with a signup sheet. Members can indicate the committee(s) on which they would like to serve and if they would be willing to serve as chairperson of that committee.
Community Service
This committee works to improve all aspects of the community. The scope of this committee is great, including determining how to allocate funds for various projects, highway litter pick up, volunteering to help at public television fundraisers, contributing to local food drives and beyond.
Fund Raising
This committee oversees planning and organizing Kiwanis fundraising projects such as Pancake Days, concession sales at sporting events and other activities as determined.
Human and Spiritual Values
This committee oversees scheduling special programs for appropriate holiday meetings, scheduling members to give the invocation at weekly club meetings and for encouraging personal and spiritual growth in the club.
Membership and Education
Charged with providing each prospective member with a pre[1]induction orientation session, this committee also conducts induction ceremonies at weekly meetings and educates club members about Kiwanis’ history and traditions. The committee is the leader for recruiting and retaining members, developing plans for getting new members and activities for retaining current members.
This committee schedules speakers and provides introductions of these speakers for the weekly meeting. Special programs such as entertainment and field trips are also part of their responsibility.
Public Relations
This committee ensures that information about the club and its activities are shared with the community, especially through Sentinel-Tribune and other promotional tools.
Service Leadership
Dealing primarily with the many Kiwanis Family groups which our club supports. The collegiate level has Circle K clubs, high schools have Key Clubs. There is a Builders Club for middle school students, and the elementary level there is K-Kids. Another branch of the Kiwanis Family tree is an AKtion club which allows adults living with disabilities to participate in community service projects and gain leadership experiences. Each Kiwanis family club needs an advisor from our club. The club also provides budgetary support to these groups.
Youth Services
Following in the footsteps of the previous committee, they focus on children aged six through adult.
This committee schedules members to receive meal money, sell 50/50 raffle tickets and to serve as greeters at the weekly meeting.
Each week the members of this committee collect happy/sad dollars and “fine” members for such things as not wearing their membership pin, having their cell phone go off during a meeting, or for having their picture in the paper.
Guest Recognition
This committee schedules the members who will recognize guests (nonmembers or potential members) at the weekly meeting.
Speaker Recognition
The primary focus of this committee is recognizing the speaker at the weekly meeting at the conclusion of their program.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
At each meeting, members of this committee recognize members with birthdays or anniversaries that week.
Flowers and Cards
This committee is charged with distributing greeting cards and flowers for ailing or deceased members.
Special Awards
This committee determines the recipients of any special Kiwanis Awards.
Prior to the start of each administrative year (October 1st), this committee determines the budget for club operating expenses and committee allocations.
This club will review the prior year’s financial records kept by the club treasurer and reports to the board and membership
Assisting the Secretary
Members of this committee set up and put away Kiwanis materials (banners, plaques, donation canisters, display boards, name badges, etc.) for the weekly meeting. They also fill in for the club secretary in their absence.
Inspirational Educators Awards
This committee manages the fund raising and awards selection process for Teacher awards within the local Bowling Green school district.
Scholarship Committee
This committee is responsible for monitoring 501(c)3 compliance with the articles of incorporation for the Scholarship Foundation Board, selects the high school seniors who receive scholarships awards from our club and provides information to members about the scholarship fund.
This committee gathers, edits, and assists with the publishing of the monthly club newsletter. The committee works to improve all aspects of the community. The scope of this committee is great, including determining how to allocate funds for various projects, highway litter pick up, volunteering to help at public television fundraisers, contributing to local food drives and beyond.
Most of the projects and programs of Kiwanis clubs are carried out by committees. Currently we have many committees which range from weekly meeting logistics to community service to fundraising. Each member is expected to serve on at least one major committee each year and can serve on more if they choose.
At the beginning of his/her term, each president distributes information about committees along with a signup sheet. Members can indicate the committee(s) on which they would like to serve and if they would be willing to serve as chairperson of that committee.
The scope of this committee is great, including determining how
to allocate funds for various projects, highway litter pick up,
volunteering to help at public television fundraisers, contributing
to local food drives and beyond.
Up Coming Events
Pancake Day April 5
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Meeting